Artist Statement
I am interested in site-specific work’s relationship, between space, time and the human presence, which reveals a series of contradictions in the experience of site and the notion of time.
Contradictory notions of the self-reflexive and fragmented subject, object and situation, absence and presence, public and private, domestic and social, temporary and permanent, time sequences and the freezing of time, attempt to justify my installations’ claims to political and philosophical significance, while the limits in their double experience are in a state of perpetual redefinition corresponding to the innately dynamic, elastic and constantly fluctuating context and milieu of the site-specific work of art.
Born in Athens, 1966.
Mother of two children (born 2000, 2008), lives and works in Athens

PhD, 2017, University of the Arts London(UAL), Chelsea College of Arts, London, under the title Site Specific Art as an exploration of Spatial and Temporal limitations.
Master of Arts: Studio Art- Environmental Art, New York University, (NYU), New York, 23-11-1999
B.FA. Painting, Athens School of Fine Arts ,26-11- 1997
B.A, Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens 5-9-1991
Studies in Painting-Set Design, Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague, (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag) Holland (1994-1995)
Solo Exhibitions
2018 After In Site Compression, 2018, N. Kessanlis exhibition Centre, Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA) video installation, dimensions variables
2018 Stasi, Temporary site-specific installation, Sydagma metro-station, Athens, PVC, oil on PVC, pencil on paper, pen on paper, 220x440x60cm
2017 After Central Corridor, The CookHouse, Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip St, Westminster, London , video installation, dimensions variables
2017 After Seven Windows Divided By Two, The CookHouse, Chelsea College of Arts, 16 John Islip St, Westminster, London, video installation, dimensions variable
2017 After In Site Compression, 2017, The CookHouse, Chelsea College of Arts,16 John Islip St, Westminster, London , video installation, dimensions variables
2006 In Site Compression, 2007, site-specific installation, metal frames, voile (trevira), 4,9 x 7 m x 60cm overall. Gallery 7, Athens
2004 Seven Windows Divided by Two, 2004, Demopratiriou Square, Athens, aluminum, acrylic, neon lights, 2.10 x 5.40 x 1.85 m
2004 Linear Acceleration or fix the paintings in their place, Gallery 7, Athens, painting on canvas, site -specific installation , oil on plexiglass, dimensions variables
2003 Central Corridor, Sarandopoulos Mills Warehouse, Pireus. Site specific installation, plexiglass, neon lights, aluminum 2Χ5Χ2μ.
2002, 4 X 3 Additional Space, 365 Art Project, Athens, Site specific installation adhesive tapes,4Χ3m.
1999 ‘ Untitled’, ‘Washington Square East Galleries’, New York, painting on canvas, site -specific installation , oil on plexiglass, dimensions variables
Group Shows (Selection)
2020 ‘Four (plus one) Elements: Fire’, KINONO, Tinos, Greece. Participating with the site specific installation , Urban Beacon, 2020 Arnados Village, stainless steel, led lights, dimensions variables. Exhibition Concept: Christos Artemis
2019 ‘Lands of Creation’ E. Averoff Art Gallery, Metsovo, Greece. Participating with the work Nettings, 2019, (Stainless steel, led lights, fresh grapes,120X160X185cm). Curator Dr.Lina Tsikouta
2019 ‘Apoplus’, flour-warehouse by the Old Castle, Corfu. Participating with the work Dead-end Window, 2019, Site -specific installation, metal frames, led lights, reflective film, 160X180X175cm. Curator Dr. Efrosini Tsakiri
2014 ‘Athens -180 years as Greece’s Capital’, Municipal Gallery of Athens. Curating Yannis kolokotronis, Kalli Petrochilou. Participating with the work Untitled΄, 2002, Site- specific installation, oil on plexiglass, metal 2Χ2Χ1m.
2010 ‘Borders and Edges’, W.A.V.E. London.Participating with the work How Many Horizons? digital print on film, light box.
2007 ‘The Chronicle of the Absurb’, Photography Biennale of Thessaloniki, Port of Thessaloniki, Greece.Participating with the work Doors digital print on adhesive film, slide projection. Curator, Bia Papadopoulou
2007 ‘Unfair’, Imperial Hotel, Athens, Macedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki
Cappatos Gallery, Participating with the work Lecterns, iron construction, adhesive reflective film.
2006 ‘This is what light looks like’. Participating with the work Almost light, Alecton , Athens. Lamps, photographic paper,. Curator Dr.Lina Tsikouta
2005 ‘ New Acquisitions of the Municipality of Athens’, Gallery of the Municipality of Athens
2004 ‘What is Threat like?’, Kursum Mosque, Trikala Participating with the work Birds’ Trap, plexiglass, adhesive tapes. Curator Dr. Lina Tsikouta
2004 ‘ΑΘΗΝΑ Βy Art’, Ephemeral Structure in the city of Athens, Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004, ΑICA HELLAS, and Municipallity of Athens. Curator Dr. Lina Tsikouta. Participating with the work Seven Windows Divided by Two, 2004, Demopratiriou Square, Athens, aluminum, acrylic, neon lights, 2.10 x 5.40 x 1.85 m
2004 ‘Six Women, Six Proposals’ 4th Cultural Conference of the Greek Ministry of Culture, Astir Hotel, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Curator, Sania Pappa, Art Historian.
2004 ‘In the Beginning was Fire’, Yayannos Gallerie, Athens, Participating with the work Emergency Exit digital print on film, plexiglass 280Χ48Χ48εκ. Curator, Bia Papadopoulou, Art Historian.
2003 ‘November Report’, Sotheby’s, Amsterdam, Juried Exhibition by international committee Participating with large scale paintings.
2003 ‘Ephemeral Structure in the city of Athens’, Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004 Byzantine Museum, Athens, Juried Exhibition by international committee.
2002 ‘Sketching out Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday’, Averof Gallery, Metsovo, Greece, Curator Dr. Lina Tsikouta The exhibition was also shown in Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki, Greece and at the ‘Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens’, Athens
2002 ‘International Young Art 2002’, Artlink- Sotheby’s, Tel Aviv, New York, Amsterdam
2002 ‘In search of the Olympic Spirit’, Gallery of the Municipality of Athens, Participating with the work Untitled΄, 2002, Site- specific installation, oil on plexiglass, metal 2Χ2Χ1m.
2000 ‘Face to face’, Istanbul
2000 First International Forum on Culture and Peace, Knights Castle, Rhodes, Greece, Curator Haris Kambouridis, Art Critic
2000 ECO Festival 2000, National Park, Athens
7/11/2006 In Site Compression, exhibition catalogue, texts by Vasiliki Christouli, Lina Tsikouta, Bia Papadopoulou.
8/1/2004 Linear Acceleration or fix the paintings in their place, exhibition catalogue. Texts by Vasiliki Christouli, Lina Tsikouta. DP.ISET.GR :
9/10/2003 Central Corridor exhibition catalogue. Texts by Lina Tsikouta. DP.ISET.GR :
LANDS OF CREATION, 2019, ed. Evangelos Averoff-Tositsa Foundation, Athens, E Averoff Art Gallery, Metsovo, texts Dr Lina Tsikouta, ISBN: 978-960-7694-26-3
APOPLUS. The Invisible Cities and the City Ports of the Ionian Sea: visual art and dialogues between Greek litterateurs and Calvino, 2019, ed. E. Tsakiri, ISBN: 978-960-6656-39-2
DAYS OF ART IN GREECE’, 2018, Ed. Maria Papadogianni, text by Anna Enepekidou, Museologist
2014 ‘ATHENS -180 YEARS AS GREECE’S CAPITAL’, 2014, Municipal Gallery of Athens. Texts Yannis Kolokotronis, Kalli Petrochilou. Translation Vasilis Gimisis
BORDERS & EDGES, W.A.V.E. 2010, ed. Kate Sedwell
CONTEMPORARY GREEK ART 1974-2004, 2007, ed. Yiannis Kolokotronis, Thrace’s Art and Culture Foundation ISBN: 980-960-8732-1-6
WHAT IS THREAT LIKE?, 2005, Kursum Mosque, Trikala. ed. Municipality of Tricala Texts: Dr. Lina Tsikouta
IN THE BEGINNING WAS FIRE, 2004, ed. Yayannos Gallerie, Athens. Texts by Bia Papadopoulou, Art Historian.
INTERNATIONAL YOUNG ART, 2002, Tel Aviv, New York, Amsterdam, ed.Artlink, Sotheby’s 30/1/2002
ATHENS BY ART, 2004, ΑICA HELLAS, and Municipallity of Athens Cultural Organization, ed. Nelli Kyriazi. ISBN: 960-7401-68-9
SKETCHING OUT TODAY, TOMORROW, YESTERDAY, 2002, ed. Evangelos Averoff-Tositsa Foundation, Athens, E Averoff Art Gallery, Metsovo, texts Dr Lina Tsikouta. ISBN: 960-7694-13-9
IN SEARCH OF THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT, 2002, ed. Municipallity of Athens Cultural Organization, ISBN: 960-7401-43-3
FACE TO FACE, 2000 Istanbul ed. Ali Akai, June, 2000
Distinctions - Awards
Bacalas Scholarship for postgraduate studies (Master degree) in NYU, New York,1998-1999
National Foundation of Scholarships (I.K.Y.) award for excellent undergraduate performance in A.S.F.A 1995-96, 1996-97.
ERASMUS Scholarship, three-month undergraduate studies, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag), Netherlands, 1994
Distinction, ‘Heineken Art 94’ Competition, 1994
2019-2021 REVOLUTIONARY PALIMPSESTS. Research Project, ‘200 Years since the Greek Revolution’ Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (H.F.R.I.). Curator Dr. E. Tsakiri
2020 FOUR (PLUS ONE) ELEMENTS: FIRE, Research Project, 2020, KINONO, Tinos, Greece. Exhibition Conc.: Christos Artemis
2019 POLYSEMI Research Project, Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture And Sports, Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020, with the support of the NTUA School of Architecture. Cur. Dr. E. Tsakiri
Teaching Experience
2018-2019 University of West Attica (UNIWA) Adjunct Lecturer (ESPA Scholar), Visual Language, Plastic Projects, Department of Interior Architecture
2003-2018 Technological University of Athens, Adjunct Lecturer in Visual Culture, Department of Interior Architecture
Features and Reviews
27/11/2006 ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ Μαρία Μαραγκού
12/1/2004ΤΑ ΝΕΑ Μαίρη Αδαμοπούλου
26/1/2004ΕΣΤΙΑ Κρίστα Στασινοπούλου
24/1/2002 ΤΑ ΝΕΑ Παρασκευή Κατημερτζή
27/1/2002 ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ
19/5/2002 ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΗΣ Μαρία Τσιλιμιδού
3/2/2002 ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΗΣ Μαρία Τσιλιμιδού
14/2/2002 ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ Φωτεινή Μπάρκα
References: Web and Periodical Press
www. 30/01/2020, 24/05\2018, 25/05/2018 (p.3 of 10), 04/06/2018, 11/06/2018, 05/06/2018, 29/05/2018, 27/05/2018, 05/062018, 07/06/2018, 07/06/2018, 05/06/2018
ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΤΥΠΙΑ, 15/4/2006 (Σ.Παπασπύρου), 26/4/2006(Γ.Τζεδάκης),25/8/2004 (Ι. Κλεφτογιάννη), 27/8/2004(Φ. Μπάρκα), 9/1/2004, 8/10/2003,16/11/2003 (Π. Σπίνου), 1/6 2002,1/6/2000
ΤΑ ΝΕΑ 10.8/1/2004,9/10/2003, 31/10/2003 (Παρασκευή Κατημερτζή)
ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ,24/1/2004, 27/1/2004, 5/10/2003, 19/5/2002, 17/6/2000(Κ. Σουγκανίδου)
Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, 3/6/2000 (Β. Θεοδωροπούλου),12/10/2003,14/1/2004
Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΗ, 3/1/2004, 28/11/2004, 5/12/2004
ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ, 4/5/2004
ΑΘΗΝΟΡΑΜΑ 15/1/2004,1/1/2004 6. 8/1/2004
ΕΣΤΙΑ, 9/1/2004
ΜΕΤΡΟ 10.1/2004